Inspired by Nature

New Project at Inspiramental Central

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Inspiramental Blog

We’re starting a new project here at Inspiramental Central. We have these two tanks, a trailer load of pipe, and something that hasn’t seen the light of day since the 2010 Darke County Fair. What do you suppose we’re up to now???

Water 1


This 3″ black tile came from Darke County Tile where the pic was taken. The Tanks came from Piqua Winnelson Co. these bits of trivia may come in handy along the way as we broadcast step by step the exciting new project at Robin’s and my home. A clue, were taking our biggest step yet in walking rather than stalking the talk of renewable energy…

Water 2


A solar Pathfinder, a measuring wheel, and an excavator from All Terrain Excavating, Inc.

Water 3


Reading the Pathfinder – open to the eastern horizon with a bit of shade after 3pm at equinox but then wide open to the west in summer. The apple tree will soon be pruned. This is a good spot for a couple of solar heat collectors.

Water 4


The first foundation with copper pipes. The forms are reusable, made by our manufacturing company, True South.

Water 6


The form comes off the foundation for the solar heat collectors. We’re making progress!

Water 7a


Another shot of taking the form off the foundation. As we mentioned before the forms are completely reusable meaning less gets thrown away in the process.

Water 7b


Making progress! We’ve now attached the steel pole to the foundation. What will it be supporting? Find out in the coming days…

Water 8


The frame is now attached to the steel pole. We’re making progress..

Water 9


A Solar Heat Collector is up on the foundation and connected to the solar loop. This collector is made with evacuated tubes and piped with copper tubes to the heat exchanger in the basement. On the second pole we’re going for what we believe to be the most economical system on the market today, you’ll see!

Water 10

Check out our full post on the completion of our solar hot water project here in Dayton, Ohio.