
why we do what we do
Inspiramental, even though it is a bit hard to say, is meant to combine inspiration and our one and only environment, the earth. Inspiramental Co, is the industry of Robin and Sam Garber’s dreams to reverse the trend of treading to heavily on the earth and its finite resources.
Robin is an accountant and a health foods and natural remedies enthusiast. Sam has been building things since he was a small boy growing up on a dairy farm, was working forty hour weeks on a fruit farm at fourteen, wiring buildings fulltime as an electrician’s assistant at sixteen, and opened his first construction business as a master plumber at twenty five. Robin teaches energetic children world history, writing, science, mathematics, and art. Sam enjoys philosophy and writing, so of course he is (I am) writing this and the other copy on and So that’s a little bit about our biases.
Our philosophy is “inspired by nature.” Nature is our habitat. Really, we could probably survive outside most of the time. In 2008 Robin and I learned of the mountaintop removal necessary to keep up with the world’s demand for coal to fuel centralized electric power plants, we just thought we had to do something toward treading more lightly on our planet so that it would hopefully still be around and habitable for plants and animals a thousand or so more generations from now.
We were doing business in the construction industry when we first became interested in renewable energy and sustainable building. To learn from the experts who had been working and training in the solar industry for more than twenty years before us, we traveled North America from Colorado, Washington, Maryland, Kentucky, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Canada. Since 2010 Sam Garber has been certified in Solar Electric and Solar Heating by the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) and studied at Solar Energy International (SEI) in Colorado, and Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) in Wisconsin. The point is, replacing luck with the benefits of the best training facilitators in the industry, we committed from the beginning to designing and installing the best products in the best ways.
In summary, maintaining and restoring the environment is our leading priority. Designing, building, and installing are the things we’re good at. We don’t do very much marketing. Mostly from word passed around by former clients, or from suppliers, or from the places our name shows up on search engines, people call us who have already been interested solar electric, solar heating, natural lighting, passive solar heating, or things of that nature. Our goal is to be here with the expertise and commitment to quality that is vital for things that are meant to last. We aren’t driving the movement so much as assisting our awesome clients who are the real drivers.